
Die Nederlandse Rehervormde Kerk (The DutchReformed Church) 

Paul Kruger Church 

The Paul Kruger Church, located in Pretoria, holds historical and architectural significance in South Africa. Originally constructed in the late 19th century, this church reflects the heritage and culture of the region. The Pastor Louis Brandt took up the leaderhsip role for many years, passing away in 1939. His tombstone can still be seen today. 

Historical Significance

Construction and Opening: The church was inaugurated in 1889, providing a central place of worship for the local community during President Paul Kruger's administration.
National Monument: The church was declared a National Monument, recognizing its importance in the cultural and historical landscape of Pretoria. Its designation emphasizes its preservation and enduring significance.
Architectural Features
The church's design embodies elements of the Gothic Revival style, which was popular during its construction. Its structure includes tall spires, stained glass windows, and intricate woodwork that reflect its era.


The Paul Kruger Church is situated near Church Square, a hub of historical landmarks in Pretoria, further cementing its place in the city's rich historical narrative.

Currently the church can be viewed from the outside, and is opposite the Paul Kruger House


Address: WF Nkomo St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, 0002
Phone: 012 326 2290

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